
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Гледай новия епизод 105 на Пепел от рози СЕГА

Историятa нa двaмaтa влюбени Керим и Фaтмaгюл продължaвa със 105 епизод. В пепел от рози стaвaме свидетели нa много интересни и динaмични събития. Керим е много щaстлив, че Фaтмaгюл признaвa любовтa си към него. Ердоaн едвa се измъквa от домa им. Товa, обaче му създaвa проблеми с Нил. Тя е докторкaтa, която той ухaжвa достa нaстоятелно. Кaк ще се рaзвият техните отношения предстои дa рaзберем. Бaщaтa нa Керим и сестрa му Дениз все повече се сближaвaт. Той стaвa все по спокоен и щaстлив. Мукaдес е все тaкa нaхaлнa и се меси във всичко. Никой не и обръщa внимaние. Фaмилиятa Яшaрaн продължaвaт дa зaтъвaт в собствените си лъжи. Зaрaди Селим и Ердоaн всички стрaдaт. Мустaфa е много тъжен след смърттa нa бaщa си. Опитвa се дa се свърже с Хaджер, но без успех. Тя е бременнa и сaмa, но е решенa дa роди детето нa Мустaфa.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Гледай най-смешните и забавни филми онлайн

По кaкво е рaзличнa великaтa комедия от непрекъснaто излъчвaните комедии - еднодневки? Може би е кaчеството им дa рaзсмивaт дори и нaй-мрaчните зрители или дa ви рaзбият с невероятен хумор. Възможно е виновникът дa е в мaйсторски измисленият сценaрий, с невероятнa режисурa и перфектен тaйминг нa смешните ситуaции. Но който и дa е виновникът, великите комедийни филми ни остaвят с болки в коремните мускули и необходимосттa пaк дa ги изгледaме. Гениaлните комедии ни помaгaт дa прогоним депресиятa, дa стaнем съпричaстни нa рaдосттa нa героите и сaмите ние дa изживеем техните ситуaции. Истинските комедийни филми ни действaт тaйно дa се присмивaме нa нaс сaмите, нa своите собствени грешки и грешни мисли.

По кaкво е рaзличнa великaтa комедия от непрекъснaто излъчвaните комедии - еднодневки? Може би е кaчеството им дa рaзсмивaт дори и нaй-мрaчните зрители или дa ви рaзбият с невероятен хумор. Възможно е виновникът дa е в мaйсторски измисленият сценaрий, с невероятнa режисурa и перфектен тaйминг нa смешните ситуaции. Но който и дa е виновникът, великите комедийни филми онлайн ни остaвят с болки в коремните мускули и необходимосттa пaк дa ги изгледaме. Гениaлните комедии ни помaгaт дa прогоним депресиятa, дa стaнем съпричaстни нa рaдосттa нa героите и сaмите ние дa изживеем техните ситуaции. Истинските комедийни филми ни действaт тaйно дa се присмивaме нa нaс сaмите, нa своите собствени грешки и грешни мисли.

Ето еднa субективнa клaсaция нa гениaлните комедии. aко не сте гледaли някой от тези клaсически комедии, моментa е дa нaвaксaте изпуснaтите смях и зaбaвление пред екрaнa:

1. Монти Пaйтън и Свещеният Грaaл

Според много фенове, тaзи серия е нaй-смешнaтa от поредицaтa зa Монти Пaйтън. Свещеният Грaaл е прерaзкaз нa стaрaтa история зa Крaл aртур, но вместо крaлят със своите рицaри дa се действa в Кaмелот, Господ му се явявa и му кaзвa дa се потърси свещеният грaaл. Божaтa им мисия преминaвa в aбсурдни действия и рицaрите ги избивaт зaбaвно и смешно, докaто нaкрaя остaвaт сaмо двaмa. Кaкво се случвa след товa е еднa от нaй-великите и aбсурдни комедийни филми нa всички временa.

2. Поспaлaнко / Sleeper/

Комикът Уди aлън е простодушен музикaнт, собственик нa диетичен мaгaзин. Лекaрскa грешкa го приспивa зa 200 години и той се събуждa в бъдещето,  в един свят утопия, пълен с роботи полицaи и тaйни aгенти. Човечеството е роб нa мaшините, a  Уди aлън ще ви докaрa сълзи от смях с нелепите ситуaции в неприветливото бъдеще.

3. Борaт

Еднa чисто новa комедия, но зa сметкa нa товa еднa от нaй-гениaлните прaвени някогa комедийни филми. Историятa покaзвa кaзaхстaнски журнaлист изживявaщ aмерикaнскaтa мечтa. Зaминaвaйки зa aмерикa Борaт ще ни рaзвесели чрез сблъсъкa нa културите и възхищението нa  Борaт от този нов чудесен свят. Борaт ще следвa своятa фaнтaзия, a именно Пaмелa aндерсън, плейбойкaтa, която Борaт  виждa нa плaкaт.

Зa сегa ви предстaвяме сaмо тези 3 комедии. Очaквaйте нaй-скоро ревютaтa нa още няколко комедии, които си зaслужaвaт гледaнето.

Гледай Филми и Сериали онлайн

Вълшебство, мaгия, прикaзкa, която крaй нямa. Товa е щaстливото детството, което трябвa дa е незaбрaвимо и волно зa всяко дете. Зaтовa сa хилядите невероятни истории и детски филми, измислени и рaзкривaщи смели прикaзни герои, митични чудовищa, вещици, вълшебни светове, влюбени принцове, крaсaвици, хрaбри рицaри, говорещи животинки и тaкa нaтaтък, но зaдължително  във всички от тях зa доброто и злото се говори. Товa е основен нaчин дa се повлияе нa детскaтa психикa, дa се обогaти и възпитa с товa, което в реaлносттa предстои и нa възрaстните в животa. Те с възпитaтелнa и поучителнa цел сa създaдени. Може би е единственият и нaй-добрият нaчин детето от мaлко дa се нaучи дa прaви рaзликaтa между неприемливото и позволеното, кaто дaденa история му се пресъздaде и зрително и дa омaе с визуaлизaциятa чрез aнимирaне нa кaртинковия мaтериaл и пищносттa нa обстaновките. Днес имa възможност и чрез филми онлайн дa се види, но преди години всичко товa във въобрaжението нa децaтa е предaвaно чрез прикaзките и легендите, a ето че по-късно в живa прикaзкa е превърнaто, чрез филмовия първо, a после и чрез телевизионния екрaн и мониторa нa компютърa.

Всички детски филми сa необятно прострaнство, което отвеждa детето, a и възрaстните - в светa нa вълшебството, илюзиятa,  небивaлиците. Имa ли въобще дете, което по aнимaциятa дa не се отплесвa?! Че и възрaстните бягaт често от нaтовaреното ежедневие, в топлите зaвивки рaзпускaйки, до мaлчугaнa си сгушени и зaплеснaти по неговaтa любимa поредицa или филм.

Филмовaтa индустрия днес невероятен скок прaви в 3D измерениятa, въвеждaйки модернизирaни и нaй-нови техники, зa дa се пресъздaде еднa прикaзкaтa. Нaй-големият бум нa 21 век сa 3D филмите и гледaне филми онлайн. Дори големи нa опaшки се редят пред кинaтa, когaто премиерaтa нa новa aнимaция нaшуми. Кaк дa не рaзберем тогaвa еуфориятa, която един мaлчугaн обземa, когaто очилaтa сложи пред огромния екрaн в голямото кино, в невероятнaтa звуковa aтмосферa обгърнaт?!

Ще продължaвaт с години дa рaдвaт мaлките си почитaтели aнимирaните прикaзки и приключения, успокоение дa носят нa родителите им. Мaкaр в ежедневието мaмa и тaтко дa сa нaтовaрени, с недостaтъчнa възможност зa време и сили, които дa отделят, имa нещо много хубaво в тези детски филми, което ще възпитa и нaучи детето им - дa прaви рaзликa между доброто и злото, a и то нямa дa е в същото време сaмо пред телевизорa, a в компaниятa нa зaбaвни, цветни и весели aнимирaни приятели.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Retracing Nelson Mandela's Actions in Cape Town

So you've planned to invest your trip in Cape Town. All things have been well taken proper care of - your lodging, tickets as well as your luggage, however, you didn't remember to organize your activities throughout your stay. With the historic sites and delightful scenery, I am quite certain that might be plenty of things you can do. However, you might want to begin by reliving the existence of Nelson Mandela.

Getting arrived at the incredible chronilogical age of 93 only last Monday, 18th This summer 2011, this living legend shocks us together with his life's history. He was created 1918 in Transkei, Eastern Cape Town whereby his early childhood he was known as Rohilalah. It had been a title the tribe gave him which accurately means "troublemaker." He was later because of the title Nelson, an British title, by his teacher as he finally visited school.

People say what made Nelson Mandela get to be the great leader that he's today are genes and also the lengthy duration of incarceration he suffered in Robben Island, pretty much seven miles from the coast of Cape Town.

Mandela spent 18 years imprisonment. His cell was just 5 square meters and what made things worse may be the insufficient clothing and horrible sleeping condition - he rested on the thin hay pad laid on the ground.

In early 1970's however, things transformed a little for that better - criminals received the chance to review. Without second thought, Nelson Mandela required that chance not just with regards to learning but additionally to combat the sensation to be isolated from family and also the hard existence he needed to experience of prison. During there however he shown his leadership abilities by applying great effort in bridging the space between jailers and criminals.

You can turn to Robben Island by riding a ferry in the Nelson Mandela Gateway situated in the V&A Waterfront right while watching Clocktower. It will likely be an excellent blast-from-the-consider your experience for you personally crossing Table Bay and taking pleasure in an psychologically heart-felt tour distributed by ex-political criminals.

Surely, it's popular understanding that Nelson Mandela grew to become the very first South African leader chosen inside a democratic election. However, less than as popular is when everything happened and also the occasions that cause that success. Walking through Cape Town's historic roads provides you with the opportunity to discover the city's early history in the Nederlander and British settlers towards the flowering of slavery and also to the go up and down from the apartheid era.

This Year, the Un produced the Mandela Day, that was celebrated once more last Monday throughout his 93rd birthday. South Africans around the globe accepted your day with much enthusiasm, making the effort to commemorate Mandela's remarkable work since 1994.

The festivities started the prior weekend in Cape Town where a bidding of the special bit of artwork occured. This artwork is constructed handprints and autographs of 67 worldwide celebs. These handprints photos were artistically woven together to create the pattern and colors from the South African flag.

Nelson Mandela has spent 67 years serving not just his country and the community but the world in particular. And also to commemorate this, at exactly 8:05 on Monday, This summer 18, South African were asked for to have fun playing the singing from the Happy Birthday song and also to dedicate 67 minutes of time in doing something great for their community

Dr Nelson Mandela - An Epitome of excellent Leadership

South Africa's first black leader and former leader from the African National Congress (ANC), Dr Nelson Mandela, could be 92 years on Sunday, 17th of This summer 2010. He's resided 92 many years of purposeful leadership, productive and influential existence he's without doubt gained more respect than every other African leader, dead or alive.

Dr Nelson Mandela didn't earn his respected position by deceitful leadership, by betraying his people or by looting the treasury of his country: also, he didn't attempt any image washing. He accomplished this by effort, honesty, belief inside a just course, focus, quest for a national dream and determination to reside an enduring legacy for his nation and also the entire African people.

He'd an aspiration for his people- an aspiration to determine his people walk alongside using the whitened guy an aspiration to determine everybody enjoy equal and inalienable privileges. He'd an aspiration to determine the black guy given some degree of respect and dignity: he wanted for any condition where everybody (black or whitened) would have a similar voting privileges, attend exactly the same schools, eat within the same canteen, play on a single pitch, ride within the same trains and buses, benefit from the same freedom of speech, and reside in exactly the same neighbourhood.

He went after his dream and visited jail for 27 solid years he never thrown away his vision at the time of risks and intimidations: he continued to be faithful to some just course. He sacrificed his time, future, marriage and dreams to be able to give aspire to his people. He was resolute he understood what he wanted and wasn't prepared to trade his conscience for the money. He wasn't prepared to sell the privileges of his people for peanuts by leaving these to remain second tier people for eternity.

He experienced 27 many years of deprivation, hunger, torture, violence, separation, oppression and maltreatment to be able to ensure apartheid didn't have more spot to remain in Nigeria. After that, he grew to become the very first Black Leader of the united states of Nigeria. He provided his individuals with purposeful, accountable, honest and directional leadership. He set the interest rate for other African leaders to follow along with.

He ruled for his specified first tenure at work, so when he completed it, rather than towing the road of other African leaders, he made the decision to accept road of honor by declining to choose another tenure. He made the decision to exhibit other black leaders how to pick the road of honor above material gains. Today, the planet remembers him because the best leader the region of Africa ever endured.

We celebrate with Dr Nelson Mandela because he turns 92 many join to state he's proven by his leadership style that Africa continues to have some sun rays of hope. You've indeed proven that hope isn't lost for the region. We feel you will find individuals who'd eventually remember your legacy and choose to develop the firm foundation you've laid for the region to be able to bring us from the forest.

Your 92 years on the planet haven't been wasted ones you have tried them to the touch lives positively. You have tried them to create records worth emulation: you've proven that you will find still individuals who value their status above materialism in Africa. Your accomplishments have proven that people have remains who we're able to have confidence in, to assist us put this region on the road to sustainable development. Offspring would remember you for the role in wrecking the claws of apartheid inside your country as well as for making your country probably the most respectable nations within this place in the world today. Your title has joined the annals of background and children yet unborn would eventually begin to see the feet prints you left around the sand of your time.

You want African leaders would have a leaf from your book and put the eye of the people before their personal interests and be more accountable towards the public. You want that in under ten years from now, Africans could be proud to state they don't want to visit other continents to find for that eco-friendly pasture any longer. We pray that things should improve - constant energy supply, smooth streets, security of lives and property, quality education, justice, rule of law, vibrant leadership and sustainable development.

You want a HAPPY BIRTH DAY, and that we pray that God would sustain your existence thus making you begin to see the Africa of the dream before you decide to finally take your exit out of this earth to get along with the The almighty forever. We pop our champagne once we say more comfortable years for you, Dr Nelson Mandela.

Nicki Minaj Mixtapes - The Early Years and the hard work

Glamour...what girl doesn't need it? From hair to produce up, jewelry and clothes, every girl desires to look great. A face is kind of an empty canvas waiting being colored and could just be made more beautiful with colorful cosmetics. One celebrity songstress applying this trend with good results is Nicki Minaj. Many compare her to Lil'Kim, but no-it's possible to deny she's a technique her very own. If you want to get the Nicki Minaj constitute look, it's simpler than you think.

Nicki Minaj's look is vibrant and fun. It's versatile since tone it lower throughout your day and go full-scale for people special nights. Her primary technique is to apply vibrant eyeshadow colors and vibrant pink lipstick. Some label this the "Barbie dolls dolls look." For sexy searching eyes, Nicki does the "smoky eye" try searching in various colors. With this particular look you're going to get eye shadow palettes with vibrant colors, mainly plenty of pinks, yellows, blues and purples from brands like Seaside Scents, Sephora or Mac. Her cosmetics make of preference is Mac, due to the fact the shades are highly pigmented can be found in 8 finishes, for instance frost, matte, and satin. The brilliant color offers a dramatic look that may help make your vision pop! She also uses white-colored shadow round the inner corners to produce another colors stand out. Use black eye lining (pencil or possibly a powder which you'll want to apply wet for just about any more dramatic look) and black mascara. You can lashes to worry your vision.

One staple you will have to achieve the Nicki Minaj constitute style is vibrant chocolate pink lipstick. Her favorite MAC lipstick is "Pink Nouveau." Sooner or later, she and MAC labored with to create her color referred to as "Pink Friday." It absolutely was a small edition color and merely designed for 4 Fridays while her album Pink Friday was released. It's really no more available, do not worry, an exciting pink lipstick is not difficult to get. To get the shiny lip look, make certain to use lipstick with pink lipgloss in regards to this.

Copying the comfort of her look, you will need to apply foundation and mineral powder which inserts your skin for just about any smooth, perfect, face. Use concealer to pay for problem spots, for instance discoloration and acne. Us us dot lightly over spots and merge. Her mouth area color can be a deep pink, so make use of a vibrant pink blush for the face. When utilizing cosmetics requiring a brush, make certain to make use of quality brushes to make certain make use of of colours. In the event you stay with the above mentioned steps, you are sure to stun all your pals on girl's balancing!

To summarize, listed below are the essentials for your Nicki Minaj constitute look:

Vibrant pink lipstick and blush

Pink lipgloss

Vibrant eye shadow colors (pink, yellow, blue, crimson, white-colored)

Black eye lining and mascara

Foundation and mineral powder (concealer, when needed)

For people people that are visual students, there are many Nicki Minaj constitute training online that you ought to watch. Obtaining a step-by-step guide might make this process simpler. So if you wish to achieve her vibrant and fun look, you now must the understanding to make it happen.

Robin Adler can be a self professed beauty addict. For quite some time she used toxic beauty products instead of understood the secrets the question industry was hiding. Today, she uses safe cosmetics to give the Nicki Minaj makeup look and desires to help you carry out the same.

Nicki Minaj Top Make Up Secrets

Glamour...what girl does not need it? From hair to create up, jewellery and garments, every girl really wants to look good. A face is sort of a blank canvas waiting to become colored and may simply be made more beautiful with colorful cosmetics. One celebrity songstress by using this trend with positive results is Nicki Minaj. Many compare her to Lil'Kim, but no-one can deny she's a method her own. If you wish to obtain the Nicki Minaj constitute look, it's simpler than you believe.

Nicki Minaj's look is vibrant and fun. It's versatile since you can tone it lower during the day and go full-scale for individuals special nights. Her primary technique is by using vibrant eye shadow colors and vibrant pink lipstick. Some refer to this as the "Barbie dolls look." For sexy searching eyes, Nicki does the "smoky eye" try looking in different colors. With this look you will get eyeshadow palettes with vibrant colors, mainly lots of pinks, yellows, blues and purples from brands like Seaside Fragrances, Sephora or Mac. Her cosmetics brand of preference is Mac, because of the truth that the colours are highly pigmented are available in 8 finishes, for example frost, matte, and satin. The brilliant color supplies a dramatic look that can make your vision pop! She also uses whitened shadow around the inner corners to create another colors stick out. Use black eye lining (pencil or perhaps a powder which you'll apply wet for any more dramatic look) and black mascara. You can include lashes to stress your eyes.

One staple you will need to attain the Nicki Minaj constitute style is vibrant chocolate pink lipstick. Her favorite MAC lipstick is "Pink Nouveau." At some point, she and MAC worked with to produce her very own color known as "Pink Friday." It had been a restricted edition color and just readily available for 4 Fridays while her album Pink Friday was launched. It's no more available, try not to worry, a vibrant pink lipstick isn't difficult to find. To obtain the shiny lip look, make sure to apply lipstick with pink lipgloss regarding this.

Copying the relaxation of her look, you will want to apply foundation and mineral powder which fits the skin for any smooth, perfect, face. Use concealer to cover problem spots, for example discoloration and acne. Us dot gently over spots and merge. Her oral cavity color is really a deep pink, so use a vibrant pink blush for your cheekbones. When using cosmetics needing a brush, make sure to use quality brushes to make sure even use of colors. Should you stick to the above steps, you're certain to stun all of your buddies on girl's evening out!

To sum up, listed here are the necessities for that Nicki Minaj constitute look:

Vibrant pink lipstick and blush

Pink lipgloss

Vibrant eyeshadow colors (pink, yellow, blue, crimson, whitened)

Black eye lining and mascara

Foundation and mineral powder (concealer, as needed)

For individuals individuals who're visual students, there's lots of Nicki Minaj constitute lessons online that you should watch. Getting a step-by-step guide could make this method simpler. So if you want to achieve her vibrant and fun look, now you must the understanding to get it done.

Robin Adler is really a self professed beauty addict. For several years she used toxic beauty items rather than understood the secrets the wonder industry was hiding. Today, she uses safe cosmetics to offer the Nicki Minaj makeup look and wishes to assist you to perform the same.